I will start by apologizing for the delay in the last posting. I had planned on going to the internet café Thursday evening and sending it out, but when I got there it was closed. It remained closed all day Friday. Saturday afternoon I saw the young man that operates it and asked about it. He said they had been having problems with the generator but assured me it would be opened around 6:30, but when I went by later it was still closed. So I got up early Sunday morning and drove out to where we get phone signal and sent everything out over my Blackberry. I had come to use the internet café since it was a little cheaper, saved driving an hour on my bike, and now gas is $6 US/gal. (so stop your whining). I saw the internet café opened once earlier this week, but not the last few days, so tomorrow I will drive out again to send and receive emails.
There is not much new to report on this week. I am continuing the project under the house (still no gold), and finished the new benches. Thursday is my work day, so I should be able to get them sealed for this weekend’s meeting. I learned today that Stephan is still in Lethem. He had said he planned to get back to the Ridge tomorrow, but it seems the bus didn’t run today. I guess things are pretty well the same throughout the country. He said he’s hoping to make it back Saturday. I hope so since he is scheduled to give Sunday’s talk, but I will probably have something ready just in case.
I had mentioned last week that I was going to inquire into the quality of that large eddo I had pictured. I asked at this week’s study but was informed that Evelyn’s sister had taken it, so they didn’t know how it turned out. I think I heard that they were going out to their farm in the back-dam, so I might not see them at the meeting this weekend, so it may be a bit longer before I can report on that.
The cat has learned to open the screen door to let himself in and out of the house. I told Terri that we now have to teach him to close it behind him. He has been getting beat up at night, which is why we were keeping him in the house at night. A few days ago he went out in the morning and didn’t come back in the evening. There was no sign of him the next morning and we thought he might have been finished. But that evening we were sitting in the house when the door opened up and in walked the cat. He had been worked over a bit, but wasn’t as bad as we had feared he might be. We are thinking we might try to perform a little surgery on him to enhance his chances of surviving here.
I had someone pick up some wire mesh for me in Kaituma and built a small enclosure (4’ x 2’) for the chick so that it doesn’t have to be kept in a box in the house while we are out on studies. We are waiting to see whether it is a he or she. I asked Terri if it turns out to be a he, how big we should let it grow before we eat it. For some reason, she said that there is no way she could eat it.
For this week’s pictures I’ve included one taken in the Kingdom Hall before a meeting as well as one of three of our young publishers. From left to right it’s Danika, Latisha, and Sonia.