Thursday, December 23, 2010
Construction continues here in Matthews Ridge. Work has started this past week on revamping the water piping system. Up until now, there has been a water tank that had fed water to some of the homes in Matthews Ridge some of the time. But once the water lines are reworked as proposed, water would supposedly be supplied to all the homes in the village area of Matthews Ridge, and this on a more frequent basis. Of course, this would not service those living outside the village in the bush areas. More construction workers, as well as manganese and gold mining surveyors, continue to move in. And we have started to see renovation and expansion become more widespread. One of the bigger shops in Matthews Ridge has been mostly torn down, and structural concrete work has begun to the end of building it into a 2-3 story structure. Many other shops and buildings in the village are being re-painted, renovated, and expanded, with others new shops beginning to be built from the ground up.
I had a nice opportunity to witness to a Canadian surveyor and a Guyanese cook working at a newly renovated home being used by a certain Canadian gold-mining company. As I approached the house, I found the surveyor adjusting his GPS and various other pieces of surveying equipment, while the cook was preparing a large breakfast. I had a chance to witness to them both and to leave the book “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived” with them. Although busy getting ready for the day’s work, they were both very friendly, and invited me to return later in the week when they would have more free time. The man who was working as the cook said he was from Georgetown, and had been asking around since he had gotten to Matthews Ridge as to where he could find a church. I explained to him where the Kingdom Hall was, and he sounded positive about attending.
The Seventh Day Adventist church in Matthews Ridge has posted signs all around the village advertising a Christmas concert featuring singing and dancing. On the other hand, Jehovah’s people have been busy offering the December issue of Awake!, which clearly reveals the holidays’ pagan, God-dishonoring origins and traditions. What a contrast between the light of truth Jehovah shines forth and the spiritual darkness false religion is shrouded in!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Brochure Distribution, Auxiliary Pioneers, Development of Area
Many fine efforts were put forth here in Matthews Ridge during the month of November to give the brochure “The Bible – What Is It’s Message?” a wide distribution. We had good support for field service groups, enabling us to cover the entire territory here in Matthews Ridge with the distribution of the brochure. And, as previously mentioned, we had opportunity to distribute the brochure in surrounding areas such as Port Kaituma, as well as other areas.
We are happy to see a couple in the group here auxiliary pioneering during the month of December. This is Eugene Smith and Mary Smith. Eugene and Mary were Rastafarians before they came to know the truth. Even during that time, they were regular Bible readers, although they lacked accurate knowledge. When they heard the truth, they were immediately drawn to it. They have told us interesting experiences from that time in their life when they were Rastafarians. They have told us of how they, along with many other Rastafarians, would use unique expressions. For example, instead of saying “oppressed”, they would say “downpressed”, since the “up” sound the word begins with indicates that there’s something positive about oppression. And instead of saying “I understand what you're saying”, they would say “I overstand what you're saying”, since beginning the word with “under” was putting yourself beneath the person you’re speaking to. Eugene and Mary were baptized on the same day, and since then have been very zealous servants of Jehovah. Mary even takes advantage of opportunities she has while selling snacks she makes outside the school here to witness and place literature with interested ones. We find their good example very encouraging.
The development of commercial interests continues here in Matthews Ridge, as the manganese mining venture and cell phone tower setup work continues. This has resulted in the clearing of a number of pieces of land here in Matthews Ridge. It has also created some jobs, both directly with the companies, as well as in fixing roads and renovating structures for worker housing. One man who works with the manganese mining company told me that it’s estimated that 1,000 or more workers may come into Matthews Ridge by the time the manganese operation gets into full swing. It will be interesting to see what further development happens.