We’ve had more movement of need-greaters here in Matthews Ridge in the past couple of weeks. Carol and Justina, who were here with us since the end of October, headed back to the United States. It was nice to have Justina back here for her second visit, and Carol for her first visit. Both sisters very much enjoyed their visit, and were a great asset to the group here in Matthews Ridge. Andrew, too, went back to the United States for a short time. Roland, a brother from New Mexico who has served before in Matthews Ridge, arrived back here this past week. We are glad to have him with us.
Construction continues here in Matthews Ridge. Work has started this past week on revamping the water piping system. Up until now, there has been a water tank that had fed water to some of the homes in Matthews Ridge some of the time. But once the water lines are reworked as proposed, water would supposedly be supplied to all the homes in the village area of Matthews Ridge, and this on a more frequent basis. Of course, this would not service those living outside the village in the bush areas. More construction workers, as well as manganese and gold mining surveyors, continue to move in. And we have started to see renovation and expansion become more widespread. One of the bigger shops in Matthews Ridge has been mostly torn down, and structural concrete work has begun to the end of building it into a 2-3 story structure. Many other shops and buildings in the village are being re-painted, renovated, and expanded, with others new shops beginning to be built from the ground up.
I had a nice opportunity to witness to a Canadian surveyor and a Guyanese cook working at a newly renovated home being used by a certain Canadian gold-mining company. As I approached the house, I found the surveyor adjusting his GPS and various other pieces of surveying equipment, while the cook was preparing a large breakfast. I had a chance to witness to them both and to leave the book “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived” with them. Although busy getting ready for the day’s work, they were both very friendly, and invited me to return later in the week when they would have more free time. The man who was working as the cook said he was from Georgetown, and had been asking around since he had gotten to Matthews Ridge as to where he could find a church. I explained to him where the Kingdom Hall was, and he sounded positive about attending.
The Seventh Day Adventist church in Matthews Ridge has posted signs all around the village advertising a Christmas concert featuring singing and dancing. On the other hand, Jehovah’s people have been busy offering the December issue of Awake!, which clearly reveals the holidays’ pagan, God-dishonoring origins and traditions. What a contrast between the light of truth Jehovah shines forth and the spiritual darkness false religion is shrouded in!