Saturday, November 1, 2008

More helpers

I thought while I still had a chance to post up pictures, I would post up a picture of the latest ‘Need Greaters’ who visited us at Matthew’s Ridge. They were Anita Walker and Lindsey Cordova, also from Colorado. They had come with the other sisters from Colorado, but had stayed behind when the first three came because the Circuit Overseer was visiting the congregation, so they stayed back.

It’s always interesting when new ones come because we get to see things through new eyes again. Things that we have come to take for granted are pointed out again and we are reminded of all the blessings that we are able to experience every day.

While it is often young ones who come, I can’t help but think about, and appreciate, the ones back home who encouraged and supported them in their coming. I was talking to Anita, and she mentioned that she is a third generation witness. With that thought in mind, I was reminded of the importance of trying to acknowledge their contributions to the work here, as well as try to include pictures for those back home.

We are here in Georgetown for the Circuit Assembly and in normal circumstances, the meetings at the local congregation would be cancelled as all would be at the Assembly. However in this case, most of those at the Ridge are in no position to make the trip to Georgetown, so rather than have them miss out on a chance to benefit from a meeting, the three young brothers stayed back to do the Thursday and Sunday meetings. It will be a nice climax to their visit, handling meetings on their own, an experience that can only be had by extended oneself to come to a place like this.

Last week, Stephan, Keith, Lindsey, Anita, and Aletha went to Port Kaituma Tuesday morning to work at sharing the tract that is being distributed worldwide at this time. They rode to Kaituma in the back of a small pickup truck (cruiser). They stayed over Tuesday night, continued with the work Wednesday, and returned to Matthew’s Ridge Wednesday evening. While they were there, they held an impromptu bookstudy and had an attendance of twenty, including Caroline, Juliet, Sharon, and her husband Terry (names included for those who are familiar with the goings on in Kaituma). That just highlights the need and potential here in the northwest.

I have just included two pictures tonight. One showing the ride to Kaituma, and the other of the bookstudy there. I don’t know if I’ll be posting any more entries before we leave, so it may be a bit of a break before the next one, and a much longer break before any more pictures are seen.