Thursday, January 24, 2008


Just a short entry tonight. Tomorrow we are planning on travelling to the Ridge, and will be back to touch with the outside world Tuesday. So for those of you who are kind enough to email us (hint, hint), we will not be responding to any emails until Tuesday.
One of the highlights of being here is when we have visitors, either those who are coming to specifically visit us, or those who may be visiting others here. We are enjoying such a visit now.
Mark and Lara Guarino were here for three months about a year and a half ago. They have returned to Guyana, this time for four months. They had originally planned on returning to Mabaruma, but when they arrived, there were a number of others already here, so they inquired at the branch as to whether there was a need elsewhere, and were directed to Wakanam, which is an island in the mouth of the Essequibo River. They have been joined by Mark’s sister Hetty, and her husband Jeremy Frye. This is their first visit to Guyana, and they will be here for a month. While they were visiting, Mark decided to bring them here, so they could see a next part of Guyana. The four of them will be flying out with the Bryants on Monday. They will return to Wakenam for two more weeks, and then they will be returning to the states.
One thing nice with meeting new people, is being reminded what a small world it is in Jehovah’s organization. In talking with Jeremy, he mentioned he had been at Watchtower Farm for seven years. When I asked him what congregation he had been assigned to, he said Sussex, NJ. I told him I had been in Warwick NY congregation for a number of years. Warwick and Sussex are adjoining, so we knew several people in common. Mark had been in the same congregation, which was how Jeremy met his wife, so of course he knew many of the same people.
In addition, Mark and Lara are from Connecticut, and they are on the same regional building committee as the St, Georges, whom we have spent time with here in Guyana. Again, it a small world in Jehovah’s service. It was nice to see young people using their youth and freedom to further kingdom interests.
A brief comment on this weeks pics. The one is of our visitors. The Fryes are on the left, the Guarinos on the right. And the other is the princess on her (or in her) throne.
Until next time, may you stay well and safe.